What's the point?
Maybe I'm ignorant. Maybe there are skirmishes going on across America that I don't hear about, so the message this bumper sticker proclaims is needed.
But from what I can tell, that's not the case. Basically, what I get from this is that they're saying we should...keep doing what we're doing. Coexist means "to exist together at the same time."
Do we not already do this? Am I missing something here?
I think I get what they MEAN to say. We need to 'tolerate' other religions (that's what they think, anyway). As a conservative I don't exactly agree with that. But I won't get into that here.
The 'cry for action' I see in this bumper sticker (and t-shirt, poster, &c.) is in actuality just a cry for inaction... If you're going to shout a message like this, could you at least put some umph in it? Give it a purpose--make it try to change things. Please.
They don't want you to just tolerate their beliefs, to have to legitimize them. To avoid getting into a political conversation, even though you know I'm well able to, I think I'll leave it at that.
ReplyDeleteI agree, wouldn't it be better if the bumper sticker said something like, "Love One Another" ?
Just an idea,
De Facto
Yes, that's a better way of putting it. And also why I disagree, since of course I believe love of God is the only belief that matters...And I want others to have the same...
....aren't all those symbols pagan/new age symbols?
ReplyDeleteCorrect me if I'm wrong...
They symbolize various religions...the first is Islam, I think...then peace (is 'peace' a religion? :P )...not sure what the 'e' is...then Judaism...the last one is the cross. Besides that I'm pretty ignorant.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if the "e" stands for anything specific, but it does seem to be a combination of the signs for male and female. And the "o" is the Chinese ying and yang. The dot of the "i" is, I believe, a pentangle, which is a symbol usually associated with Wiccanism (double checked that last on on Wiki).
ReplyDeleteI agree, Ella. These bumper stickers frustrate me. :-/ I mean, there are problems in the Middle East with different religions co-existing peacefully... :P But, yeah...they just seem kind of pointless to me.
ReplyDeleteYeah. Where the bumper stickers are actually seen, they're not needed (imo).
ReplyDeleteExactly, Ella. And plus, it usually doesn't mean as much that the person thinks people shoudln't kill people or somehting just cuz they're a different religion, but that they think people should concede that their religions are all equal. Which is false.
^YES, Lanta, that's totally it! The bumper sticker's not saying: "Look, you shouldn't kill people who are different than you." (although that's definitely true.) It's saying: "We're all equal, so why can't we all just get along?"
ReplyDeleteIt's relativism. :P
Yep. That was the part I didn't want to get into (mostly cuz I wasn't sure how to word it--good job). I fully concur.