Thursday, October 18, 2012

Can God Use Autocorrect?

Okay...I don't have an iPhone; I'm a Google girl, and have an Android. More people recognize Autocorrect than Swype, though. They're similar.

The question remains. Can our Papa use a phone's word guess? I like to think He can.

Last night we found out my grandma wasn't doing well, and this morning we learned that she went in her sleep. (We're okay. It hasn't hit us, probably...but I do feel Papa's peace.)

This has been coming for a few days, so I'd asked for prayers as my grandpa loses his love of more than sixty years.

I wanted to let some friends who had been praying know, so I sent some texts: "Thank you for praying. Got the call she's gone now."

No matter how many times I wrote it, my phone changed the word gone to home.

I love that.

We think she was a Christian, but we weren't sure. If Papa can manipulate phone texts, that means He's letting us know she was, and she's now with Him. In spite of the fact that gone and home are simply easily mistaken for the other on my keyboard...I'm clinging to that.

She's home now.


  1. Love this. God can use ANYTHING!!! :-) <3

  2. wonderful reminder :)
    And of course you're all in my prayers <3

  3. I am so sorry for you loss. You are in my prayers.

    It's amazing how God does little things like that, He is so amazing.

  4. Thank you, Jessica.

    Yes, He is. :) That's why I can't be sad about this...she's with our wonderful Papa, probably having the biggest party ever. (Or sitting quietly with a book or a sewing project, getting hugs whenever she wants...that was more her style.) Either way, nothing to be upset about there!


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