I love helping my fellow authors! Because of this, I have decided to offer some cross-promotion options. If you are interested in any of the following, or if you have another idea, please email me at Jansina@rivershorebooks.com.
I also offer book reviews and author interviews on my business blog. Please check out the new For Authors tab for details.
I post everything in the order I receive it.
Blog Photo/Link in Side Bar
I would be happy to do a photo/link exchange with you! Images should be square (ideally, 150x150). Your blog doesn't need to be faith-based, but the content does need to stay clean for me to endorse it.
I'll send you my 150x150 photo and URL, and we can both put them on the side of our blogs. (My current photo/links are under "Blogs We Adore.")
Excerpt Exchange
There's nothing quite like an excerpt to draw readers in.
What to Send:
Please email the following to Jansina@rivershorebooks.com
I'll send the same, and we can agree on a day to co-promote!What to Send:
Please email the following to Jansina@rivershorebooks.com
- Your favorite part (or what you believe is the most intriguing part) of your book (200 to 500 words)
- Your book's cover photo
- Links where your book can be purchased, your author blog, website, social media, &c.
Link Promotion
Just want to post a link and be done? Send me a link to your website, blog, or book, &c. (as many as you would like included), along with a short description of the content (1 to 3 sentences). I'll send the same, and we can agree on a day to both post the links on our blogs.
You're welcome to include images, as well!

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