- Going out to eat with my grandma.
- Quiet time.
- Friends who show up at the perfect time.
- Spending time with my family.
- Movies.
- Laughing so hard my face hurts.
- Re-reading good books.
- Discovering new favorite stories.
- Feeling "inspired." (There's nothing better - and sometimes nothing worse! - than that itch to write.)
- Learning a new dance.
- 10 pounds lost! Slow, but steady.
- Budgeting. (Yes, this is a celebration.)
- More books than I have time to read.
- Growing up Fisher. (Haven't seen it yet? Go watch it! Some of the episodes are free on Hulu. There's also a petition you could sign to try to get it back on TV... http://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/nbc-nbc-renew-growing-up-fisher)
- My job.
- Hanging out with my brother.
- An empty notebook.
- Finding a forgotten box of pens - right as my supply was dwindling.
- Books with impeccable grammar.
- The unconditional love of family.
- Long nails. (This is new for a recovering nail-picker like me!)
- Gummy vitamins. Getting nutrients while eating candy? I'm in.
- Comfy pillows.
- Feedback from readers.
- Knowing that my books even have readers.
- Nice, long emails.
- A freshly-made bed.
- Flowers.
- A new dress.
- Summer!