Today (August 9th) is Book Lovers' Day!
To celebrate, Rivershore Books is holding three drawings! Entries close on August 31st.
The following 20 ways to spend Book Lovers' Day have been divided by difficulty. The higher the difficulty, the bigger the prize!
Easy To Do
- Curl up with a book and your favorite drink.
- Reread your favorite classic. (My choice: Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen.)
- Find a book you own but haven't read yet.
- Using or something similar, create a "doll" of your favorite character - or ten!
Medium Difficulty
- Visit the library. Put in a request for a book they haven't heard of. (See suggestions in #5 if you're not sure what to recommend.)
- Make a list of your favorite book characters and what you like about them.
- Write to an author whose books you enjoy. Most author's emails can be found by a simple web search, and fan mail is always appreciated.
- Write a book review. They are valuable to both readers and authors!
- Check out an indie author whose books you haven't read yet. (Not sure who to read? Mirriam Neal, Vicki V. Lucas, LA Ramsey, Elizabeth Ender, and any of our Rivershore authors are great!)
- Organize your bookshelf (or, if you're like me, bookshelves).
Expert Book Lover
- Create a new cover for a book you love. (Don't have Photoshop? Gimp is free and works very well.)
- Paint a scene from a book.
- Rewrite a famous book scene.
- Draw a character who interests you.
- Create a "movie" poster based on a book.
- Write a newspaper article about a book you loved or hated. Treat it like a news release. ("Extra; extra! Read all about it! Reader enjoyed new novel by an up-and-coming author!")
- Go on a book tour. There are iconic scenes in almost any book: recreate those in your area. Double the fun: Film it! Send your video to me ( and I may post it on the Rivershore blog in the future.
- Are there any author signings happening in your area? Find one to go to - whether you've heard of the author or not. It could be how you discover your next favorite read!
- Act out a scene from your favorite book - on your own or with friends.
- Create a fort with your books. (Suggestion: Use a sheet as a roof to avoid books falling on you.)
Important But Boring Info
To enter: On Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest (your choice!), post a photo, video, or description of what you did with #rivershorebooks or somewhere within the post.*
Copy the URL of your post, and enter it in the corresponding Rafflecopter giveaway!
*Not applicable for book reviews.

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