Two days left to enter the Book Lovers' Giveaways!
Many entries can be done with a simple Twitter, Facebook, blog, or Pinterest post. I finished this entire post (worth 12 entries!) in just a little over an hour.
Even better? One person could win all three giveaways - a combined total of 30% off, $30 in gift cards, and all five of my ebooks (plus a sneak peek at my WIP, since I don't have a sixth book to give)!
The more you do, the better chance you have of winning, but even just one entry could get you a prize (that's the beauty of raffles).
4. Write a book review: I reviewed Reasons My Kid Is Crying by Greg Pembroke.
5. Check out an indie author whose books you haven't read yet: I got an ebook version of David Bergsland's newest, Designing ePUBs With InDesign.
6. Organize your bookshelf.
My newly-organized (little) shelf of books:
1. Create a new cover for a book you love. I picked Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen.
2. Paint a scene from a book. Anne's unpleasant hair-dying experience from Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. "She said it would be a beautiful, raven black!"
(I'm not an artist, so I "cheated" with Photoshop and stock photos. Feel free to do the same!)
Original artwork by Morgan LaRue
3. Rewrite a famous book scene: Lucy discovering Narnia in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.
Lucy stepped into the cold, wishing she had thought to bring her coat. But how would I have known? I certainly didn't expect it to be winter here when I was just playing in the warm sun! The door she'd gone through was the same one she had come out of an hour before, wasn't it?
Her curiosity grew as her eyes focused upon a man with furry legs. I would give my left shoe to have a snowsuit like his! Maybe he'd accept it, too, since he didn't seem to have any shoes of his own.
Are those...hooves?4. Draw a character who interests you: Foehn from Toxic by Vicki V. Lucas.
(Again, I "cheated.")
(Yes, it's thilly.)
6. Write a newspaper article about a book you loved or hated. Treat it like a news release.
Debut author makes a big splash! Monster by Mirriam Neal arrived in online stores everywhere on June 30th, 2013. Already a fan favorite with at least one award to its name, this is sure to be a classic. Get your copy today! Just $3.99 on the Kindle.8. Are there any author signings happening in your area? On September 7th, there is a book signing for Nathan Johnson's book, Legendary Locals of Pine City. I hadn't heard of this book or author before, but I'm intrigued!
9. Act out a scene from your favorite book - on your own or with friends. I acted out a scene from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night when I was in England. Yes, this was years ago. It still counts! (The same goes for you, of course.)
(That's me on the far right, playing Viola.)
I have just two entries left! (Go on a book tour and create a fort with your books.) I can't promise they'll be done before the giveaways end, but they will be done soon!

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