I love helping my fellow authors! If you are interested in any of the following, or if you have another idea, please email me at Jansina@rivershorebooks.com.
I post everything in the order I receive it.
(For book tours, feel free to assign a specific date.)
(For book tours, feel free to assign a specific date.)
Excerpt Exchange
There's nothing quite like an excerpt to draw readers in.
What to Send:
Please email the following to Jansina@rivershorebooks.com
- Your favorite part (or what you believe is the most intriguing part) of your book (200 to 500 words)
- Your book's cover photo
- Links where your book can be purchased, your author blog, website, social media, &c.
I'll send the same, and we can agree on a day to cross-promote!
Link Promotion
Just want to post a link and be done? Send me a link to your website, blog, or book, &c. (as many as you would like included), along with a short description of the content (1 to 3 sentences). I'll send the same, and we can agree on a day to both post the links on our blogs.
You're welcome to include images, as well!
The following options will be posted on my business blog, Rivershore Books.
Book Reviews
I would love to review your book. My faith is the most important thing to me, so while your book does not have to be "Christian" for me to review (and like) it, if the content is questionable it will be reflected in my review, or I may choose to return it unfinished. Thank you in advance for not putting us in this position.
What to Send:
Please email the following to Jansina@rivershorebooks.com
- Email the book in Kindle format or as a PDF, or snail mail a hard copy (email me for the address). My preference is paperback or Kindle, in that order, but the format won't have an effect on my review. (As an author myself, I know how expensive it can be to send paperback copies to every reviewer.)
- The cover photo of the book.
- Your author photo and short (1 to 3 sentence) bio, if you'd like it included.
- Links where the book can be purchased, author blog, website, social media, &c. Anything you would like me to include in my blog post of the review.
Content Guidelines:
- I'm a bit of a wuss...please no horror or paranormal.
- I'm not opposed to fantasy, but to give you a general idea: I love The Lord of the Rings and Narnia; I don't intend to read Harry Potter.
- I'm a professional editor, so I will definitely notice grammar mistakes (and probably comment on them in the review). However, they won't affect my star rating unless they make reading difficult.
- Fiction, poetry, and nonfiction are all welcome!
Reviews will be posted on my business blog and on your book's pages on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Lulu, Goodreads, and Smashwords (whichever apply). I'm happy to expand this--just send me the links!
Author Interviews
My first intro into professional writing was journalism, and interviews were my favorite part.
As mentioned above, my faith is the backdrop of all I do. While I would rather not say no to any author, I will only post interviews of authors whose books I would read. (See review guidelines, or send links to your books if you're uncertain.)
What to Send:
Please email the following to Jansina@rivershorebooks.com
- Pen name, author photo, and short (1 to 5) sentence author bio, if you would like it included.
- Any links you would like posted (where we can purchase your book/s, author blog, website, social media, &c.).
- Any photos you would like included in the post (i.e., book cover/s).
I will send you a Word doc of the questions, and you can fill it out and return it when you're ready.